General Color: Tricolor (Tan/Brown & Black & White)
Current Size: 52 Pounds
Current Age: 5 Years 8 Months (best estimate)
Microchipped: Yes
Housetrained: Yes
Nadia, an approximately 5-year-old female basset hound, came to GGBR from the Kings County Shelter where she was an unclaimed stray. Her skin was rough, itchy, smelly and she was missing hair over much of her body. Immediately upon intake, Nadia was also diagnosed with pyometra, a serious infection of the uterus, requiring emergency lifesaving surgery.
It was initially presumed that Nadia was afflicted with demodex, a skin condition which is caused by the proliferation of mites. However, no mites were found. Her dermatologist believes that Nadia's skin condition is due to an allergic reaction. Allergy tests show that Nadia is allergic to the naturally occurring yeast on her skin, as well as to several environmental allergens. Nadia takes daily oral medication and she gets a weekly medicated bath. Her bedding is washed weekly, as well. She has started an oral immunotherapy protocol, which consists of daily administration of her “top 12” allergens, based on a serum test, with the goal of reducing her sensitivity to them. The allergens include the "usual" ubiquitous ones, like house dust, cat dander, commonly-present skin yeast and a few types of pollen. She did NOT show any allergy to fleas, but she is, apparently, allergic to mosquitos and she is highly allergic to ants!
The dark coloring on Nadia's face and lower body is not her coat; it is her bare skin. Even after months of treatment, no significant hair growth has taken place. However, Nadia's skin is now smoother and less itchy. On some parts of her body, the skin is becoming lighter, or pinker. Her doctor suspects that the long term damage done to Nadia's skin may prevent her hair coat from ever coming back; she may always be as bald as she is now.
Nadia started immunotherapy on 21Jan2024. The daily treatment will continue for, possibly, as long as 12 to 18 months, depending on when, or if, we see results. As her symptoms improve (we hope), Nadia may be weaned off her other medications, but her dermatologist has recommended that the medications should continue until June 2025, before considering reducing or elimiating them. The goal is for the immunotherapy to eliminate, or reduce Nadia's need for allergy medication and frequent medicated baths, so that she can live a more normal life and be a less high-maintenance pet. Hair regrowth, while it would be desirable, is not an expected outcome.
Sponsors: Erica Tovar
Phil Ryan
Special Needs: Nadia has a long standing allergic skin condition, which is, at least, partly due to yeast. She currently requires a weekly bath with medicated shampoo to keep her skin odor free. She is also on an oral medication to treat allergy, as well as one to treat yeast, and is starting immunotherapy. She is not on any special diet. Although the goal is to reduce, or eliminate Nadia’s allergic reaction, some level of allergy will likely be a lifelong issue for Nadia.
Other Pictures of Nadia (click to see larger version):